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I share this new understanding of the human experience with groups, organizations, individuals, couples, and families.

In addition I offer:

I N T E N S I V E S - One of the most powerful and impactful means of sharing this new understanding is by doing a 4-day (one to one or couples) intensive which can be done in a variety of settings. The quiet and focus of this opportunity provides enormous space for insights and clarity to emerge and to drop into the experience of inner peace and well-being.

R E T R E A T S - These small group experiences are generally done in small, intimate groups in beautiful, natural settings. They can be scheduled for a weekend or longer. Spending time with groups of people who are also looking in this direction can be tremendously enlightening as we learn from and are inspired by each other

W O R K S H O P S - Often when people begin to see the truth contained in the principles, they are anxious to share them with colleagues, friends or family. Workshops can be tailored to the level of understanding and the topic desired to best meet the needs of the group.

If you would like to schedule a session or an event, please complete the contact form or drop me an email.